Friday, July 23, 2010

High Protein is key

After a stellar beginning with Paleo, I've had a dramatic slump over the last two weeks. Cooking Paleo requires a lot of thought and planning (simply because it requires real cooking - no bowl of pasta to rush to the rescue!)  I found myself eating less and less, using yogurt as a meal more and more often, until I slid all the way back into pre-Paleo lethargy.

For the last three days, things have been on the rise. I have made a wonderful observation/conjecture. It goes like this:

  • Carbs provide immediate energy, enabling you to wake up and do far more than your base energy level allows for.  Perhaps, this is the reason atheletes love to carb up.
  • Protein is the high-octane fuel. It builds up resources that can be used for long-lasting no-crash base energy. Yet, it's hard to get at and none of it is available immediately.
  • If my base energy level drops, two things happen
    •  I begin seriously slowing down
    • One meal does not restore me to health - sometimes it takes more than a day of high protein meals to attain it!
So, bottom line, you gotta maintain the higher energy level or pay the price.

I've been eating well for three days now and I am back to my Paleo high!  This morning was fun. I made a salmon-cheese-tomato salad, which can be improved on by adding avocados, different kinds of cheese and, perhaps eggs and even other kinds of meat. But it was yummy and I felt good.

Lunch had chicken drumsticks and bell peppers.  Easy, low-key, and tastes great.

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