Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sunny side up luncheon

First of all, I would like to announce that I am really back.  :-) Having taken a month off paleo and suffered the consequences (mostly, a marked decrease in energy), I've gone back just a few days ago. Not surprisingly, I feel great. No longer exhausted, I am able to accomplish more with my day, often finding myself still full of energy at bed time and choosing to relax or work.

Today I wanted to share my lunch recipe.  Well, it's not really a recipe - it's a "I am hungry, pantry is empty, too broke to go shopping and too busy to cook" lunch approach.

Do you like your eggs sunny side up? That's what I grew up with.  Nothing compares as far as I am concerned. Though if you are of the scrambled persuasion, it works just as well.

To make your mouth water, I have captured a tiny video clip of the eggs sizzling in the pan. A still just doesn't do the same!

Heat up oil in the pan
Throw in fresh salsa (the kind you can buy in a plastic tub in a grocery store)
Cook on high till it sizzles
Break a few eggs
Reduce heat to medium/med-lo and cook till your heart says, it's time.

If you are in the habit of saving some bacon for garnish, throw that on top. DELICIOUS!