Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Stretching going out of vogue?

Get this: Stretching before running does not prevent injury according to a study published at the USA Track & Field website.  However, enthusiasm matters!

The study found a slight increase in "reported" injuries in the non-stretching group. However, "serious" injuries measured by a week or more off practice, did not increase.  Why?

So you are a runner who volunteered to participate. If you were used to stretching, and were randomly assigned to a non-stretching group, you'd be pretty scared, right?  Yeah, so 22% of such people reported an injury to a medical professional.  Only 11% of those who were not used to stretching did.
Bottom line, though it's hard to believe given what we have been hearing since middle school, a warm-up is just that: an increase in your body temperature. Stretching feels good and is a worthwhile exercise in and of itself. However, it is highly optional.

A note of caution: This study used a specific stretch regiment that looks right about what most people do: 10 second hold like this, 20 sec like that, so many reps, so many things.  It does not address yoga-style stretching alternatives and also does not examine long-term effect of stretching (like if you've been doing it for years - are you less likely to be hurt in general? Yeah, probably.)

I love finding these bits and pieces.  Thanks to NY Times article by Tara Pope for bringing this information.

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