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Hot dogs as displayed on grasslandbeef.com |
I would like to share with you the wonderful experience I just had with your product. After a lot of deliberation, many abandoned shopping carts across various sites, I finally screwed up my courage to order grassfed meat from your site: grasslandbeef.com. I emailed you citing my friends' high praise of your product and asking for a discount. I promptly received a code for 15% off on new orders. Thanks for that!
The meat arrived soon as was rock-solid-frozen. After some time, I got a hold of the modest package of your sugar-free all-ingredients-listed hot dogs. I wasn't sure, buying hot dogs was such a good idea - but as it was my first time I went for a sampler - so there they were: grass-fed beef hot dogs flavored with onion, garlic, paprika and beet juice! I was rushed and did not have time to prepare them in any fancy way. Threw them in a pot, chopped them up and served to my kids & myself with ketchup.
My goodness! It was not just the best hot dog experience of my life - it was one of the better meat experiences period. I generally have two problems with hot dogs: one is never sure what's inside of them - and one's tummy is never really sure whether anything really landed there. It seems, they fail to fill me the way "real" meat does. Not this time! The hot dogs were wonderfully tasty - and one and a half hot dogs actually filled me up. I felt the kind of warm energetic feeling I get after a good hearty meaty meal. My kids cleared their plates, too. That's always a bonus! And this time, I didn't feel guilty about serving them hot dogs instead of food. :-)
"Alex," I said to my four-year-old son, "These are the healthiest hot dogs you have ever eaten. They are made from super-healthy cows, have no sugar and nothing at all bad for your body in them." "I know!" Alex explaimed, excited for the opportunity to share his expertise, "They must have lots of Omega3!"
Go Alex, and Go US Wellness Meats!
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