Monday, July 5, 2010

Pork Medallions in Wine sauce

It was time for lunch. I knew because I was ready to faint from hunger and would have happily done so, had it not been Lily's nap time and me knowing that I'd regret not tending to it now. A bottle of goat's milk prepared, sitting at her side, I started thinking about lunch.

The problem with Paleo cooking is, meat just takes a lot of thinking ahead! It just cooks and cooks and cooks. I needed lunch right now, damned! While I could still handle hot pans without exposing myself and others to danger.  There was a giant 7-lb sleeve of pork I bought at costco, a portion of which had been defrosted in the fridge (I cut meat into portions prior to freezing it and each night make sure something is defrosting for the next couple of days to choose from.) What to do?... Then I felt the beginnings of an inspiration...


  • 2-3 lb of boneless pork meat. If you are using pork chops, make sure, they are thinly sliced
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • A cup of coconut flour
  • 1 onion, sliced thin
  • A few cloves of garlic, 5 gives it flavor without making you think, Italian mama
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 4 tbsp butter
The cooking:
The key to this recipe is, do not overcook the pork!  The process below looks long. Don't panick. Your total time should be under 20 minutes. I list ingredient amounts below so you don't need to keep looking back and forth. Here it goes.
  1. Cut pork into medallion-size slices, an inch or so across. Keep them at about 1/4 in thick.
  2. Pour some olive oil in the pan at high heat. Add 2 tbsp butter.
  3. Throw a cup of flour into a bowl, along with your medallions. Once the oil heats up, lay the floured pork neatly. Pork loves high heat. I learned this from my dad, who took 5 minutes to make his famous pork chops! By the time you lay the last of them, it's probably time to start flipping the early ones - as soon as they begin to brown.  Total cooking time: 4-5 minutes.
  4. Slide the pork off the plate onto a platter.
  5. Reduce heat to medium-high. Add some more olive oil; once heated, throw in onions. Cook another 4 minutes. Add garlic for just 1 minute more.
  6. Pour 1/2 cup wine, 1/2 cup vinegar, 3/4 cup chicken broth. Cook five minutes more, letting some of the liquid cook off.
  7. Here is a tricky bit: throw the pork back in. You really want to warm it up in this yummy juicy winy sauce you've got.  BUT before it gets too comfortable (after 1 minute), fish it back out. It's ok if the onions go with it.
  8. NOW Add another 2-3 tbs butter and melt it in the sauce. This will give the whole thing an amazing rich flavor. Want something fun? If you are in the habit of saving bacon fat, get that in, too!
  9. Pour the sauce over the medallions. Serve!
I simply served mine with a garden salad. The sauce is so light in flavor, it can stand on its own. The upside of a salad - no more cooking!

My kids liked it. My kids' playdate liked it. My husband liked it. Even I liked it!  This is a great dish to double or triple as it'll save so well and will stand up to microwaving.


    1. sounds amazing. we'll have to give this a try! Thanks Kate. Cool blog name! :-)

    2. Thanks for your comment. Let me know how it goes. I just found your comment and enjoyed getting to know your blog. Go beets! :-)
