Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sunny side up luncheon

First of all, I would like to announce that I am really back.  :-) Having taken a month off paleo and suffered the consequences (mostly, a marked decrease in energy), I've gone back just a few days ago. Not surprisingly, I feel great. No longer exhausted, I am able to accomplish more with my day, often finding myself still full of energy at bed time and choosing to relax or work.

Today I wanted to share my lunch recipe.  Well, it's not really a recipe - it's a "I am hungry, pantry is empty, too broke to go shopping and too busy to cook" lunch approach.

Do you like your eggs sunny side up? That's what I grew up with.  Nothing compares as far as I am concerned. Though if you are of the scrambled persuasion, it works just as well.

To make your mouth water, I have captured a tiny video clip of the eggs sizzling in the pan. A still just doesn't do the same!

Heat up oil in the pan
Throw in fresh salsa (the kind you can buy in a plastic tub in a grocery store)
Cook on high till it sizzles
Break a few eggs
Reduce heat to medium/med-lo and cook till your heart says, it's time.

If you are in the habit of saving some bacon for garnish, throw that on top. DELICIOUS!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

On again off again

It's been a really long time.  There are fairly good reasons for it.  If've been away from blogging generally as I have been working near full-time (as full time as having two kids allows!  Not real close!) on a business venture I started with my husband.

But there is another, a more important reason. I had to make a choice - the same choice all of us face when we wander off the beaten path and make choices that are fundamentally different to those of our peers. Do I keep pushing paleo, creating conflict at home, discomfort out, and eye-rolling by friends and relatives? The eye-rolling is easy. Much of what I do tends to produce that reaction in some.  :-) The out stuff is pretty straight-forward to.  I just did not find it difficult to find good amazing food anywhere I was, save McDonald's, which is just disgusting whichever way you look at it!  The conflict at home, however, was what caused me to choose the other way...

I am now in a very very comfortable lifestyle of having someone else primarily responsible for our meals and the past problems I had with my live-in mother-in-law have diminished dramatically.  She feels like she has a place in our home, she is taking care of and feeding us, and she is happy. I went from cooking separate meals from hers, to supplementing what she cooked with something of my own, to picking and choosing what I eat that's "ok", to eventually relaxing and having what was being served and tasted good. Worth it? Very likely.  I am so busy, and meals just kind of show up! I still pick the healthier options: avoid pasta, eat only "real" bread, always with a lot of butter, focus on the meat, but I do not do meal preparation any more.

It's been going really great as not one, but two concerns have been taken off my shoulder: cooking and fighting with Granny. :-)  Hey, that's nothing to sniff at.

There is only one problem: I AM EXHAUSTED! And therein comes a new dilemma: is peaceful and exhausted better than healthy and full of energy?  I have not come to an answer yet, but I am exploring the possibilities...

That's it for now... I will come back infrequently and post updates.  I seriously have no idea what they are going to be like.  Thanks for hanging around!